Saturday, June 14, 2008

ADSL 502T bridge connection for Ubuntu

For a bridge connection creation for adsl 502 router you require to make two kinds of setup
1. Router setup
2. Dialer setup

Router setup:

It is always best to start of with resetting your router. You can do this by inserting a pen into the routers backside hole which says reset. Assuming that your router has been resetted follow the steps given below to create a bridge connection.
1. After the power, adsl and lan lights are on navigate to page
2. Log in using username- admin
and password- admin
3. Go to the setup tab.
4. Press create a new connection
5. Select bridge connection instead of PPPoe
6. Select the auto pvc check box.
7. Save the connection.
8. Go to tools and select save all
9. Restart the router.

Dialer Setup:

Though I have tried this on ubuntu and kubuntu, this should also work for other linux installations as well.

1. Open a terminal window.
2. Type "sudo pppoeconf" and press enter.
3. There are some simple questions you have to answer.

3.4 ENTER USERNAME Enter your phone no. here eg. 2437xxxx
3.5 ENTER PASSWORD Enter your password here.
3.6 Some other question will also be asked press yes for all the rest.
4. To connect type "pon dsl-provider"
5. To check if connection is on type "plog"

Small tip

If you are having a connection problem and feel that the connection could break and you want it to continously reconnect then try the following in a terminal

while true; do pon dsl-provider; sleep 1m; done

Where 1m stands for 1m . If you want to change delay you can type
xm for x minutes.
xs for x seconds.

Comments, clarification and corrections if any are welcome.

1 comment:

shashank ( shantaram ) said...

i have a router provided by MTNL its made by some company Amino. I cant figure out how to forward ports on it. Its user interface is quite different and un-user friendly interface. Any idea where i can find customised instructions for the particular router.