Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Installing Software in Ubuntu (.bin or .sh files)

Though there are many methods for installing files in Ubuntu like System--> Administrator --> Synaptic package manager. Many a times the websites offer .bin (binary) files for softwares. Here I am at giving a short and simple step by step process for installing from binary files.

1. Download the corresponding .bin file. Place it anywhere in your hard disk.
2. Navigate to the folder through the terminal...( using cd path)
3. Start installation by typing sudo ./filename.bin
4. Your root password will be asked. (if you haven't created a root account the password is the same as your login password).
5. Installation will occur on its own.
6. After the execution is over if you type command then the program should start.

eg. To install NetBeans IDE
1. Download the IDE from NetBeans IDE
2. Navigate to the folder containing the downloaded file.
3. Type sudo ./
4. A GUI will guide you through the rest of the installation.
5. After the installation is over if you type
NetBeans program will start. It also appears in the Applications--> Programming list in the ......

In case of any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me

Saturday, June 14, 2008

ADSL 502T bridge connection for Ubuntu

For a bridge connection creation for adsl 502 router you require to make two kinds of setup
1. Router setup
2. Dialer setup

Router setup:

It is always best to start of with resetting your router. You can do this by inserting a pen into the routers backside hole which says reset. Assuming that your router has been resetted follow the steps given below to create a bridge connection.
1. After the power, adsl and lan lights are on navigate to page
2. Log in using username- admin
and password- admin
3. Go to the setup tab.
4. Press create a new connection
5. Select bridge connection instead of PPPoe
6. Select the auto pvc check box.
7. Save the connection.
8. Go to tools and select save all
9. Restart the router.

Dialer Setup:

Though I have tried this on ubuntu and kubuntu, this should also work for other linux installations as well.

1. Open a terminal window.
2. Type "sudo pppoeconf" and press enter.
3. There are some simple questions you have to answer.

3.4 ENTER USERNAME Enter your phone no. here eg. 2437xxxx
3.5 ENTER PASSWORD Enter your password here.
3.6 Some other question will also be asked press yes for all the rest.
4. To connect type "pon dsl-provider"
5. To check if connection is on type "plog"

Small tip

If you are having a connection problem and feel that the connection could break and you want it to continously reconnect then try the following in a terminal

while true; do pon dsl-provider; sleep 1m; done

Where 1m stands for 1m . If you want to change delay you can type
xm for x minutes.
xs for x seconds.

Comments, clarification and corrections if any are welcome.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Proud owner of an ipod shuffle

Finally i'm the proud owner of an ipod shuffle awarded by the Sun Microsystems. Don't know whether to be happy because of the ishuffle or on being awarded by Sun. The code for freedom contest organised by Sun Microsystems for their open source product of NetBeans attracted entries from thousands of students from all over India bringing in a new culture of open source into the student community
All the developers who submitted a working plugin were awarded a tshirt and a certificate, significant contributors(like Shantaram, Kunal and myself) were awarded an ipod shuffle alongwith the latter, the first prize the grand prize was a laptop.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sun Tech Days

We a group of three Kunal,Shantaram and myself set out on 26th at about 12 noon.Reached there by 6am on 27th got a lodging placed things there and set out for the Programme(Sun Tech Days).

Sun Tech Days is the biggest developer Tech Days of all - both in terms of the number of attendees and tracks/sessions. This was my first ever visit to a Sun Tech Days. This might sound weird as most of the people there were atleast second timers. Oh what an ambience. Believe it or not once you enter the main conference hall, it's hard to differentiate between a seven star hotel and Hyderabad International Convention Center (HICC). Starting from the entrance, conference rooms, audio/video facilities and the crew is just amazing and very helpful.

The main convention hall can accomodate upto 5000 people at a given time and it was packed for the opening keynote by Rich Green (Executive Vice President, Software, Sun Microsystems).It was a pretty funny situation with the Vice President being in a black t-shirt and most of the attendees in Blazers.

Followed by the key note the crowd dispersed of into one of the tracks 5(in all). There were three stunning sessions before lunch(Ohh that was better than one you could lay hands on in a 5 start hotel.)

There were lots of cool demos ranging from JavaFX, & jMaki(Some Chineese word don't confuse with hindi).

The evening concluded by a great performance by Euphoria - one of the most popular Rock bands in India.It was a great experience to see corporates jump and dance to showcase their other side.

Sun Tech Days Hyderabad 2008 - Day 2

We reached a little late for this day as we were preparing for the presentation we were about to give.So we missed on the key note and some part of the breakfast.

We attended two sessions before lunch. Then came the most interesting thing of my life. Our presentation about the project we are working on.The kind of response it triggered of from the audience(java gurus.).was just amazing. David Lindt gave us his card and asked us to send him our presentation and to keep up with the good work.
Stacy David Thurston ( of the pioneers of the dot com world had a private talk with us after the event when he told us that James Gosling(Father of java) meets him once in a while and had once suggested about an idea like one of our plugins..We were in 7th oh no the eighth heaven. This was followed by some other sessions which were quite interesting too.The day culminated with a fashion show.

Sun Tech Days Hyderabad 2008 - Day 3
There were 3 days of which we could select one. Obviously we choose the netbeans day.
The lectures by Roumen Strobl were not only eye opening but also was pretty much fun.
We also got to meet Amit Kumar Saha (NetBeans Community Docs Coordinator) someone we were quite aquainted with in the virtual world but got to meet him personally.Also got to meet Rohan Ranade one of the Sun guys who used to help us during the Code For Freedom Contest.

Is that all oops... i forgot the most intersting thing the gifts we got T-shirts,bags,Duke..... the list goes on...

Monday, January 28, 2008


We the sack team members are currently working on the
following projects

2.Picture Explorer
3.Blogger Support