Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Installing Software in Ubuntu (.bin or .sh files)

Though there are many methods for installing files in Ubuntu like System--> Administrator --> Synaptic package manager. Many a times the websites offer .bin (binary) files for softwares. Here I am at giving a short and simple step by step process for installing from binary files.

1. Download the corresponding .bin file. Place it anywhere in your hard disk.
2. Navigate to the folder through the terminal...( using cd path)
3. Start installation by typing sudo ./filename.bin
4. Your root password will be asked. (if you haven't created a root account the password is the same as your login password).
5. Installation will occur on its own.
6. After the execution is over if you type command then the program should start.

eg. To install NetBeans IDE
1. Download the IDE from NetBeans IDE
2. Navigate to the folder containing the downloaded file.
3. Type sudo ./
4. A GUI will guide you through the rest of the installation.
5. After the installation is over if you type
NetBeans program will start. It also appears in the Applications--> Programming list in the ......

In case of any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me

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